
Instagram feed layout template
Instagram feed layout template

instagram feed layout template instagram feed layout template instagram feed layout template

One way to achieve a cohesive and visually appealing profile is by styling your Instagram grid layout. Story canvas grids are also becoming popular, consisting of nine posts laid out like frames in a comic strip format, that enable users to create longer narratives made up of multiple photos or videos.įurthermore, permanent grids allow users to customize elements including background color, size & font before uploading their content, so each post fits perfectly in its designated spot without needing manual editing afterward.įinally, platforms such as Wepik make it easier for users to both find premade templates or create custom ones that match their specific needs or branding requirements - providing them with the tools needed to curate visually appealing feeds quickly and easily.Instagram is a visual platform, and one of the most important things to focus on when creating content is the overall aesthetic of your profile. The vertical grid is a newer concept that consists of three vertical columns filled with images and videos staggered along each column, which can be great for travel accounts or lifestyle-focused brands that wish to share a series of stories within a single post. 5×5, 4×4, and even 2×2 grids all allow users to showcase multiple images on one page while making their profile feed stand out from the rest. The classic 3×3 square grid has been the most commonly used option due to its simple design, but there are plenty of other, more unique grids available that can create interesting patterns and effects. Instagram's grids are becoming increasingly popular amongst users, influencers, and brands alike as they provide an easy way to showcase content in an aesthetically pleasing manner.

Instagram feed layout template